Join us for our second Saturday Marketplace each month! 12:30-6:30p!
--The LuckenBooth Detroit: Tarot readings + handmade jewelry, Celtic knits
--Sparklegarden: rings & jewelry by local metalsmith
--Get More Higher: T-shirts designed in Hamtramck, screened in SW Detroit.
--Hamtramck Heritage Textile Mural Project: Submit textile patterns that mean something to you for inclusion in the summer 2017 mural!
--Deb's Creative Threads: Handmade neckwarmers, belts and othersewn items.
--2nd Floor Bookstore: A selection of new & used books for both adults & kids!
--Wandering Flamingo Vintage: Vintage clothing,vinyl, & handmade necklaces!
--MAP Portrait Exhibit on view: Muslims for American Progress (MAP), is a project of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), the project educates the public by providing a much-needed, evidence-based portrait of a deeply misunderstood community. The MAP project quantifies the contributions of American Muslims in the state of Michigan, pairing hard facts with human faces. Portraits of individuals profiled in the project are displayed on Bank Suey’s walls this month from June 10-June 25.
If you are a vendor and want to apply, please fill out this form.
Stay tuned for the vendor list!