"The Wall Speaks" artist Wojtek Sawa will talk about his Glasses Installation followed by a discussion on citizen's rights today led by Bill Goodman. Presented by the Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice.
Doors open at 6:30
Program begins at 7p
About the speaker:
William Goodman of Detroit, Michigan, practices civil rights law in the firm of Goodman and Hurwitz, PC. His past achievements include almost ten years in New York City as legal director for the Center for Constitutional Rights, where he led the Center’s work representing Guantanamo Bay detainees, Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange and the wrongfully convicted teens in the notorious “Central Park jogger” case. Bill earned his B.A. and J.D. from the University of Chicago. He is a board member of Sugar Law and the National Lawyers Guild.
More on facebook here.
Throughout the exhibition "The Wall Speaks- Voices of the Unheard" The artist and Bank Suey are curating a series of discussions, events, and workshops around the themes of marginalized voices and bridging communities.
Learn more about the exhibition here.